About us

EUROPAD, formerly EUMA, was founded in Geneva, Switzerland on September 26,1994. It is, and shall remain independent of political parties and of any government. EUROPAD currently has around 3,000 members.

The Vision
EUROPAD exists to improve the lives of opiate misusers and their families and to reduce the impact of illicit drug use on society as a whole. The association works to develop opiate addiction treatment in Europe but also aims to make a major contribution to the knowledge of, and attitudes to, addiction treatment worldwide.

To achieve this vision EUROPAD seeks to: 

  • Extend the provision and quality of treatment services to drug abusers and their families, especially heroin addicts. 
  • Promote the development and acceptance of substitution therapy including long term prescribing.
  • Help the general public, their elected representatives and officials to understand and accept substitution prescribing in particular and addiction treatment in general. 
  • Encourage and support research into the effective treatment of opiate addiction and facilitate the communication of research results particularly through its journal- Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems, the EUROPAD web site and the associations conference programme. 
  • Develop a European network to facilitate communication and co-operation among individuals and organisations working in addiction treatment services throughout Europe. 
  • Build an International network of "partner" societies and organisation to enable Europe to play its part in the continuing development of opiate addiction treatment. Build an International network of "partner" societies and organisation to enable Europe to play its part in the continuing development of opiate addiction treatment.

EUROPAD seeks to obtain financial support from government agencies, philanthropic organisations, corporations and any other sources, public or private.

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